Pupuk Jack's Pro

Pupuk Jack's Pro

Pupuk Jack's Pro adalah pupuk daun lengkap berbentuk serbuk dari Amerika. Pupuk Jack's Pro mudah larut dalam air sehingga mudah diserap oleh tanaman. Pupuk Jack's Pro memiliki konsentrasi unsur hara yang berbeda-beda yang akan disesuaikan kebutuhan tanaman.

Konsentrasi Pupuk Growmore:
N - P - K : 27 - 15 -12
N - P - K : 20 - 20 - 20
N - P - K : 10 - 30 - 20

Berat Bersih : 450 gram

Rp  50.000

1 komentar :

  1. What are the odds of winning at Mohegan Sun Pocono - JTM Hub
    A 이천 출장안마 $40 bet on the Mohegan Sun Pocono 포천 출장샵 is a $3.50-per-head wager, with 춘천 출장샵 a $1 parlay, a $1,000 김천 출장마사지 bet, and 인천광역 출장샵 a total of $1,000 for the two players in the same game. What is the odds at


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